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How do I change my wheels?

The Wheels: The front and rear wheels are identical except for the inserts installed on the axles. This means either wheel can be installed at the front or rear as long as the correct inserts and torque arms are used. If you remove the wheels often, periodically apply a thread locker adhesive to the wheel nuts.

Tyre Pressure: The tyres on your 2X2 use a standard, car style valve for inflation and deflation. For standard riding, we recommend inflating the tyres to around 25 psi or as specified on the tyre.

Removing the Front Wheel:

  1. Unscrew the motor cable lock sleeves and detach the motor cable ends.
  2. With a No. 21 spanner, loosen the two serrated flange nuts.
  3. Remove the left and right torque arms from their recesses in the fork and remove the wheel.
  4. When putting the wheel back on, ensure the torque arms sit flush in their casing and the nuts are tightened to 90Nm with a torque wrench. 

Removing the Rear Wheel:

  1. Unscrew the motor cable lock sleeves and detach the motor cable ends.
  2. Using a 5mm Allen Key unscrew and remove the two M8 countersunk cap screws on the torque arms.
  3. With a No. 21 spanner, loosen and remove the two serrated flange nuts.
  4. Remove the left and right torque arms from the recesses in the swing arm and remove the wheel.
  5. When putting the wheel back on ensure that the nuts are tightened to 90Nm with a torque wrench.

Tool Tip: Add a high strength thread lock to the nuts before fastening.