Accessory Lugs

The 2X2 is unique in that it features accessory lugs that are strategically placed across the frame to provide maximum flexibility and adaptability. The lugs use standard M8 nuts and bolts for attaching tie downs, mounts, and accessories. Inside each lug is a cavity to hold an M8 nut in place, preventing it from spinning as the bolt is tightened or loosened. The front rack is attached via two lugs at the front of the main frame. These lugs can be utilised for other attachments if the front rack is removed.

Lug Options
The 2X2 has 19 lug attachment points in total:
There are 17 points available with the front carrier attached (above); 16 when it is removed (below).

Here are some examples of how to use the accessory lugs. Ensure you follow the loading limits.

  1. The Rear Cargo Deck uses lugs on either side of the rear rack. The Front Cargo Deck also uses the lug on the end of the front rack.
  2. The UBCO Adapter Pack has brackets, nuts, bolts, and straps for attaching a tube to hold longer tools like a fishing rod or rake.
  3. Use the Adapter Pack L-brackets to attach a homemade deck or box to the front or rear rack.
  4. With the front rack removed, the two lugs near the console are available for attachments using the Adapter Pack.
  5. Fairings attach to the frame's central lugs.
  6. To attach an UBCO Pannier Frame, use three lugs on the side of the rear rack.
  7. The Pannier Bag or Backpack then attaches to the Pannier Frame. These and other UBCO accessories, including the telematics unit, bike rack, and more are available from our website.